If You’re Not Outside Your Comfort Zone, You Won’t Learn Anything by Andy Molinsky

(Excerpt: Harvard Business Review)

Brandeis University Professor Andy Molinsky wrote an HBR article that forces readers to think about the life they want and what they have to do to get it.

“How do you move out of your comfort zone? It’s simple: be honest about your excuses; recognize your strengths and take advantage of them; and finally, jump in. If you make a few mistakes along the way, don’t worry. It’s just another part of the learning process.”

He recommends we:

  • Be honest with ourselves. Take an inventory of the excuses we tend to make about avoiding situations outside our comfort zone and ask ourselves if they are truly legitimate.

  • Make the behavior our own. We can often find a way to tweak what we have to do to make tasks palatable enough to perform by sculpting situations in a way that minimizes discomfort. He found we often have much more leeway than we believe to make tasks feel less loathsome.

  • Take the plunge. In order to step outside our comfort zones, we have to do it, even if it’s uncomfortable. Put mechanisms in place that will force us to dive in, and we might discover that what we initially feared isn’t as bad as we thought.

Read the entire article HERE. (Be EMPOWERED!)


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